Hungary Halts Gas to Ukraine

Hungary Halts Gas to Ukraine
by Andy Carling
Παρ, 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014 - 16:53
The Ukrainian gas company, Naftogaz has been informed that gas flows from Hungary were halted at 7pm Thursday evening. In an email from Hungarian TSO FGSZ to Ukrainian TSO Ukrtransgaz said the halt was due to technical reasons "“untilfurther notice”

The Ukrainian gas company, Naftogaz has been informed that gas flows from Hungary were halted at 7pm Thursday evening.

In an email from Hungarian TSO FGSZ to Ukrainian TSO Ukrtransgaz said the halt was due to technical reasons "“untilfurther notice”.

Naftogaz notes that the decision by the Hungarian authorities follows a meeting between Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that took place on Monday 22 September 2014 .It comes only hours before the next trilateral meeting between Ukraine , Russia and the EC which starts in Berlin today.

Naftogaz said in a statement that they "deeply regret this decision of FGSZ and calls on its Hungarian partners to respect their contractual obligations and EU legislation. Such a decision goes against the core principles of the European Union single energy market."

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