Readmission Agreement Between Turkey and the EU Enters Into Force

Readmission Agreement Between Turkey and the EU Enters Into Force
New Europe
Τετ, 1 Οκτωβρίου 2014 - 16:32
European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, welcomed the today's entry into force of theReadmission Agreement between Turkey and the EU. Commissioner said that this "represents important progress in the perspective of visa liberalisation"

European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, welcomed the today's entry into force of theReadmission Agreement between Turkey and the EU. Commissioner said that this "represents important progress in the perspective of visa liberalisation".

CommissionerMalmströmsaid:"I welcome today'sentry into forceof the Readmission Agreement between Turkey and the EU. It concludes a long process and represents a significant step forward. Thanks to this agreement it will be possible to swiftly return persons who are irregularly residing on the territories of the Parties in full respect of international law and fundamental rights, including the principle of non-refoulement.

The entry into force of the Agreement will therefore help to better manage the irregular migration flows arriving to the EU from the Turkish territory. A full and effective implementation of the Readmission Agreement is also one of the requirements included in the Roadmap towards the Visa-free regime with Turkey. Therefore today's entry into force of the agreement represents important progress in the perspective of visa liberalisation."


On 16 December 2013, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström and the Turkish authorities, signed in Ankara, the EU-Turkey readmission agreement, and initiated, jointly, the EU-Turkey Visa liberalisation dialogue.

The main objective of theEU-Turkey readmission agreementis to establish, on the basis of reciprocity, procedures for the rapid and orderly readmission, by each side, of the persons having entered or are residing on the territory of the other side in an irregular manner.

The agreement includes provisions related both to the readmission of the nationals of the EU Member States and Turkey, and to the readmission of any other persons (including the third country nationals and the stateless persons) that entered into, or stayed on, the territory of either sides directly arriving from the territory of the other side.

The provisions of the agreement related to the readmission of the nationals of the two sides, and those related to the readmission of the stateless persons and nationals from third countries with which Turkey has concluded bilateral treaties or arrangements on readmission, enter into force now.

The provisions related to the readmission of any other third country nationals, instead, will enter into force only three years later.

The aim of theEU-Turkeyvisa liberalisation dialogueis to make progress towards the elimination of the visa obligation currently imposed on the Turkish citizens travelling to the Schengen area for a short term visit.

The dialogue will essentially consist of a screening of the Turkish legislation and administrative practices, which will be carried out by the Commission on the basis of adocument, elaborated by the latter, called "Roadmap towards the visa-free regime with Turkey".

This document lists the requirements which should be fulfilled by Turkey to allow the Commission to present a proposal based on solid grounds to the Council and the Parliament to amend the EC Regulation539/2001, listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement, so as to move Turkey from its negative to the positive list.

Among the requirements included in the Roadmap many refer, inter alia, to the need to implement in a full and effective manner the readmission agreement,to manage the borders and the visa policy in such a manner as to effectively prevent irregular migration, to have secure travel documents, to establish migration and asylum systems in line with international standards, to have functioning structures for combating organised crime with focus on migrants' smuggling and trafficking in human beings, to have in place and implement adequate forms of police and judicial cooperation with the EU Member States and the international community, and to respect the fundamental rights of the citizens and the foreigners with a specific attention to persons belonging to minorities and vulnerable categories.

Once the Commission considers that all the requirements listed in the Roadmap are fulfilled and has presented its proposal to amend the EC Regulation539/2001, this proposal will be voted by qualified majority by the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament.

The Roadmap does not set a specific timetable by when the dialogue should be completed or this proposal should be presented, thus the speed of the process towards visa liberalisation will depend essentially on the progress which will be made by Turkey in addressing the requirements set out in the Roadmap.

Within the framework of the support provided through the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), the Commission will support the legal reforms and the development of administrative capacities which will be deemed useful to enable the Turkish authorities to better address the requirements set out in the Roadmap.

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