Juncker's Chassé-Croisé

Junckers Chassé-Croisé
New Europe
Τετ, 15 Οκτωβρίου 2014 - 19:38
Tired of looking for complicated solutions, and after finding that the new Slovene Commissioner-designate Violeta Bulc was “excellent" (maybe with a hint to her deep passion for the occult and extra-sensorial perception) Jean-Claude Juncker decided to do things in a simple way
Tired of looking for complicated solutions, and after finding that the new Slovene Commissioner-designate Violeta Bulc was “excellent" (maybe with a hint to her deep passion for the occult and extra-sensorial perception) Jean-Claude Juncker decided to do things in a simple way.

Maroš Šefčovič, commissioner-designate for Transport, will now get the doomed Energy Union portfolio, while Violeta Bulc obtains Transport. She will be auditioned next Monday, with the Parliament's vote on the Commission as planned on Wednesday in the plenary.

What happens then with the controversial Hungarian Tibor Navracsics, formerly Viktor Orban’s justice man, and who was meant to be Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship, but was deemed unsuitable and with shaky democratic credentials? Well, Juncker will simply take away Citizenship from him and give it to the Greek Dimitris Avramopoulos, on top of his Migration and Home Affairs portfolio… Greeks are supposed to know about citizenship.

Oh, and Violeta Bulc, with her passion for the extraterrestrial, will be happy to know that her Transport portfolio also includes Space… Hitchhiking to the galaxy.

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