EU Climate Summit: Will It Be Vetoed by Some Members?

EU Climate Summit: Will It Be Vetoed by Some Members?
New Europe
Πεμ, 23 Οκτωβρίου 2014 - 19:25
Arriving at the Justus Lipsius venue where the EU Council summit is taking place, Poland's prime minister Ewa Kopacz was asked whether she would indeed veto the climate deal discussed by the 28 leaders

Arriving at the Justus Lipsius venue where the EU Council summit is taking place, Poland's prime minister Ewa Kopacz was asked whether she would indeed veto the climate deal discussed by the 28 leaders. She gave no answer.

The 23-24 October EU summit is supposed to focus on climate and energy, with the leaders preparing agreement on the EU’s 2030 energy and climate change goals, but some countries, like Poland and Portugal, have already warned thatthey are ready to veto the draft proposal.

Portugalalso warned on Wednesday it could block the EU's plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions if other states at a summit this week reject a binding target for building cross-border power cables and pipelines.

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