Turkey's Energy Minister Says Turkish Stream Will Turn Country Into a Hub

Turkeys Energy Minister Says Turkish Stream Will Turn Country Into a Hub
Παρ, 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2014 - 19:12
The natural gas route from Russia to Turkish-Greek border, known as Turkish Stream, will turn Turkey into an energy hub, Turkey's minister of energy Taner Yildiz said at the third meeting of the Bosphorus Energy Club in Istanbul
The natural gas route from Russia to Turkish-Greek border, known as Turkish Stream, will turn Turkey into an energy hub, Turkey's minister of energy Taner Yildiz said at the third meeting of the Bosphorus Energy Club in Istanbul, as quoted by Turkish media on Thursday.

Russian president Vladimir Putin had announced last weekthat Russia will end construction of theSouth Stream natural gas pipeline, which was intended to pass through Bulgaria to Europe, and concentrate instead on a new energy project in collaboration with Turkey.

"On Wednesday we began working on an alternative gas pipeline project with Russia, its route through the Black Sea ensuring that the Thrace region will become a gas hub," Yildizsaid, as quoted by news agency Anadolu Ajansi.

"I believe this project can be realised.We have to be very clear and transparent about this project.Everything will be negotiated openly," Yildiz added.

Yildiz alsostatedthat negotiations with the Russian natural gas company Gazprom are ongoing toagree on a definitive gas purchasing pricefor Turkey.

"We talked with the Gazprom officialsyesterday about a discount in gas prices.We want to conclude thisbefore the end of theyear," he said, adding that they will meet twice more with Gazprom for discussions.

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