EES Group Plans 26 MW in SHPPs on Serbia's Zapadna Morava River

EES Group Plans 26 MW in SHPPs on Serbias Zapadna Morava River
Δευ, 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2014 - 16:27
The central Serbian municipality of Vrnjacka Banka said on Friday Germany's EES Group plans to develop around 26 megawatts in small-sized hydro power plant (SHPPs) capacity on the Zapadna Morava river
The central Serbian municipality of Vrnjacka Banka said on Friday Germany's EES Group plans to develop around 26 megawatts in small-sized hydro power plant (SHPPs) capacity on the Zapadna Morava river.

The municipal authorities said in a statement they are due to sign on December 22 an agreement with the Slovenian unit of EES Group for cooperation in the use of the hydro power potential in the Vrnjacka Banja area.

The agreement would mark a milestone in starting the implementation of the project for the construction of three SHPPs, the statement added.

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