Varoufakis on Red Lines - Moscovici on New Phase

Varoufakis on Red Lines - Moscovici on New Phase
New Europe
Δευ, 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2015 - 19:22
Insisting that “no red lines will be crossed” because they are exactly that, red lines, Greek finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis went into the Eurogroup meeting that started today afternoon in Brussels.

Insisting that “no red lines will be crossed” because they are exactly that, red lines, Greek finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis went into the Eurogroup meeting that started today afternoon in Brussels.

In an op-ed published in New York Times, Varoufakis explaing that in the Greek position there is no Game Theory approach and there are no bluffs.

He once again explains that Greece is not seeking new loans but time to stabilise the economy and to agree a new approach that will be for the benefit of both Greece and Europe.

Arriving at today's meeting, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Pierre Moscovici expressed the willingness of the Commission to reach an agreement today using the term “a new phase”. He said that Greece must respect it's commitments to it's creditors but noted that the programme voted by the Greek people must also be respected.

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