Albania Bosnia FYROM to Adopt Natl Renewable Energy Action Plans Without Delay

Albania Bosnia FYROM to Adopt Natl Renewable Energy Action Plans Without Delay
Τετ, 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2015 - 15:15
The Energy Community,a Vienna-based international energy policy organization, said on Tuesday it has once more formally requested that Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYROM adopt and submit to it their National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs).
The Energy Community,a Vienna-based international energy policy organization, said on Tuesday it has once more formally requested that Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYROM adopt and submit to it their National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs).

This is one of the key requirements of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources adopted by the Energy Community Ministerial Council in 2012.

Under the adapted Directive 2009/28/EC, each contracting party committed to a binding target for renewable energy to be reached by 2020. The Directive requires the adoption of NREAPs to ensure that the national targets are achieved. These plans are aimed at breaking down the overall target into sectoral targets and detailing the measures to be taken to support their achievement. NREAPs are an indispensable milestone to implement the Directive and achieve the overall target.

If the countries concerned do not notify measures to ensure full compliance with this obligation within two months, the secretariat of the Energy Community may submit the concerned cases to the Ministerial Council for a decision on the contracting parties’ breach of Energy Community Law, the international organization said in a statement.

The Energy Community was established by aninternational law treaty in October 2005. As of July 1, 2013, the parties to the treaty are the European Union and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYROM, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine. The key aim of the organization is to extend the EU internal energy market to Southeast Europe and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework.

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