No Diabolical Plan Against Greece Says Juncker

No Diabolical Plan Against Greece Says Juncker
New Europe
Πεμ, 5 Μαρτίου 2015 - 15:23
"There has been no diabolical plan of Spain and Portugal to derail the Greek government”, said European Commission president, Jean Claude Juncker, according to the Spanish newspaper, El Pais.

"There has been no diabolical plan of Spain and Portugal to derail the Greek government”, said European Commission president, Jean Claude Juncker, according to the Spanish newspaper, El Pais.

Juncker, who is visiting Spain, referred to the latest spat between Greece, Spain and Portugal, after the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, accused the two countries of the Iberian peninsula of forming an “axis of forces” trying to overthrow Greece's new government “before the Greek example affects other countries”.

Both Spain and Portugal asked the European Institutions to interfere. During the Juncker visit in Spain, Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy said that he doesn't want any conflict with the Greek government. “We should all look at the future and key is that we all try to find the compromises needed", he said.

Before visiting Spain, Juncker met with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, in Brussels, amid speculation of a rift between Berlin and Brussels, exacerbated by the Greek crisis. There have even been reports of irritation by the fact that the German Commissioner, Guenther Oettinger, has frequently exceeded the limits of his portfolio (Digital Economy and Society), to criticize the Commission's approach.

According to the German newspaper, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, in Berlin there is growing annoyance with Brussels criticism of German budgetary policy as well as with it's interference with the negotiations with Greece.

Answering these concerns, President Juncker told journalists that "if you are looking for conflicts between the Commission and Germany you will not find any".

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