Greece's Tight Race With Liquidity

Greeces Tight Race With Liquidity
New Europe
Δευ, 30 Μαρτίου 2015 - 17:56
While most analyst expect Greece to run out of liquidity by 9 April, the day it has to pay back 460 million Euro to the IMF, no Eurogroup meeting that could unblock funds will be taking place at least until 8 April.

While most analyst expect Greece to run out of liquidity by 9 April, the day it has to pay back 460 million Euro to the IMF, no Eurogroup meeting that could unblock funds will be taking place at least until 8 April.

According to the Commission spokesman, Margaritis Schinas, the EuroWorking group will reassess the issue on 8 April. He noted though that the only institution that can decide on disbursement is not the EuroWorking group but the Eurogroup. According to EU officials, it is very unlikely that the Eurogroup will meet on this issue before mid April.

According to the Commission spokesman, the fact that the Greek reform proposals were discussed at the Brussels Group technical level through the weekend is a positive sign. But in Berlin, the spokesman of German Finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, Martin Jaeger, said earlier that Greece has yet to submit a full list.

On Sunday evening, a top Eurozone official told Reuter's news agency that Greece did not submit a reform list, last Friday, but only some ideas during the weekend. He also said that the discussions until Sunday evening were aimed to help Greece prepare a comprehensive list to be submitted today, Monday.

Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, will brief the Parliament on issues regarding the current negotiation with Eurozone partners on Monday evening. The discussion is expected to start at 19.00 CET (20.00 local).

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