Greece Asked for Coherent List of Reforms Before Riga Summit

Greece Asked for Coherent List of Reforms Before Riga Summit
New Europe
Τετ, 15 Απριλίου 2015 - 15:48
As Greece is fast approaching the end of April deadline set by the 20 February Eurozone agreement for concluding a new reform plan, EU Commission Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis noted that Eurogroup ministers will not approve aid payments to Greece on 24 April during their informal meeting in Riga.

As Greece is fast approaching the end of April deadline set by the 20 February Eurozone agreement for concluding a new reform plan, EU Commission Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis noted that Eurogroup ministers will not approve aid payments to Greece on 24 April during their informal meeting in Riga.

But EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, also a European Commission Vice President asked for “flexibility” vis a vis Greece. Speaking ahead of a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in the German town of Luebeck, Mogherini said the rest of the EU should understand this was not just Greece's business but their own too and the community should "show flexibility and not just for the sake of solidarity but most of all for sake of common interest".

"If one falls, the whole system falls, I'm very much convinced of that," she said.

Speaking at the same event, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, advised against "frivolous" talk of a Greek exit from theeurozone, calling for a serious search for a solution.

But this solution seems to be evading, as EC Vice President Dombrovskis told the German newspaper Handelsblatt. He noted that during the 24 April Riga Eurogroup meeting there will only be a look at the progress in talks with Greece.

ESM head, Klaus Regling, struck a similar note in comments to Portuguese media, saying the government has not yet submitted a “coherent” list of proposals and noting that the country’s “liquidity buffers are becoming very, very small.”

European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici also underlined that creditors were awaiting a list of “precise reforms” from Greece.

European Commission spokesperson, Margaritis Schinas said Tuesday that the European Commission expects that the negotiations between the institutions and the Greek authorities will have a substantial outcome by April 24, EU Commission spokesperson Margaritis Schinas said on Tuesday in Brussels.

He reiterated that the negotiations between the institutions and the Greek authorities are under way noting that the discussions concern all the issues related to the Greek programme and are along the lines of the Eurogroup announcement of February 20. He stressed that the Commission hopes that by the Riga meeting this negotiation will have a substantial outcome.

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