ECB Dick - Tatorship Pushes Up European Shares

ECB Dick - Tatorship Pushes Up European Shares
by Dan Alexe / New Europe
Τετ, 15 Απριλίου 2015 - 19:06
European shares rose Wednesday as European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi gave hints that the bank will bring its stimulus earlier than planned.

European shares rose Wednesday as European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi gave hints that the bank will bring its stimulus earlier than planned.

The European Central Bank (ECB) held its monthly monetary policy committee meeting also one day earlier than usual, because its president, Mario Draghi, had to fly to Washington to take part in the IMF regular spring meeting on Thursday.

A female protester interrupted the European Central Bank's press conference on Wednesday, screaming "EndECBdick-tatorship" while she rushed the stage and threw what looked like confetti.

The action happened asECBPresident Mario Draghi was delivering opening remarks after the bank's latest policy meeting.

Some activists accuse theECBof enforcing budget austerity measures on eurozone countries, such as Greece, that are under financial bailout programs.

Draghi reappeared on stage a few minutes later and carried on with his remarks.

He said theECBintends to pursue its existing bond-buying stimulus program "until the end of September 2016 and, in any case, until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation." Inflation at minus 0.1 percent is waybelow theECB'saim of 2 percent.

There was some speculation that because of a recent improvement in the economy of the 19-country eurozone, the ECB might end its stimulus program before that date.

In his statement, Draghi noted that theECBwould look beyond month-by-month swings in economic data when assessing how long to carry on with the stimulus.

The stimulus hopes to lower market interest rates, which tends to boost lending and, by extension, economic activity. The U.S. Federal Reserve has used a similar program.

Draghi said the stimulus program is proceeding smoothly and has helped lower market interest rates.

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