Greece Sounded IMF for Repayment Reshuffle Was Rebuffed Says FT - FT Reporter Very Well Informed Says Christine Lagarde

Greece Sounded IMF for Repayment Reshuffle Was Rebuffed Says FT - FT Reporter Very Well Informed Says Christine Lagarde
New Europe
Πεμ, 16 Απριλίου 2015 - 18:36
Greece informally approached the IMF exploring the possibility of rescheduling the repayment of loans to the international organisation, but was advised not to proceed to a formal request, according to the Financial Times.

Greece informally approached the IMF exploring the possibility of rescheduling the repayment of loans to the international organisation, but was advised not to proceed to a formal request, according to the Financial Times.

Speaking later in Washington, IMF Director General, Christine Lagarde, although refraining from directly confirming the article, said that one of the FT reporters is“very well informed”. She also said that“payment delays have not been granted by the board of the IMF in 30 years.”

Citing “officials briefed on the talks by both sides” the newspaper writes that Athens was persuaded not to make a specific request for a delay. The same sources say that Greece informally raised the precedent of delaying IMF payments by at least one developing country in the 1980s.

Greece is scheduled to pay to the IMF 195.1 million Euros on 1 May, 744.9 ml on 12 May, 297.9 ml on 5 June, 335.2 on 12 June, 558.7 ml on 16 June and 335.2 ml on 19 June.

Today, Greek bond yield jumped to it’s highest point since the crisis began.

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