EBRD Mulls Lending 152 Mln Euro to Romania's CEZ Distributie

EBRD Mulls Lending 152 Mln Euro to Romanias CEZ Distributie
Δευ, 4 Μαΐου 2015 - 18:34
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Thursday itis considering providinga senior loan of675 million lei, equivalent to152 million euro ($169 million),to Romanian power distributor CEZ Distributie.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Thursday itis considering providinga senior loan of675 million lei, equivalent to152 million euro ($169 million),to Romanian power distributor CEZ Distributie.

The proceeds of the loan will be used to cover CEZ Distributie’s 2015-2016 investment programme, the EBRD said in a statement.

The programmeaimsat reducing losses, improving efficiency and installing smart meters, as well as restructuring the company'sbalance sheet in order to optimise its capital structure with the tariff methodology in place in Romania.

The investment will allow CEZ Distributieto reduce its technical and commercial losses, the EBRD also said.

CEZ Distributie, which is100%-owned by Czech energy group CEZ, operates in Romania'ssouth-western region.

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