Fitch Affirms KMG International NV at B+ Outlook Stable

Fitch Affirms KMG International NV at B+ Outlook Stable
Τετ, 20 Μαΐου 2015 - 17:42
Fitch Ratings said on Tuesday ithas affirmed Romania-based KazMunayGas International NV's (KMGI) long-term issuer default rating (IDR) at 'B+', with a stable outlook.
Fitch Ratings said on Tuesday ithas affirmed Romania-based KazMunayGas International NV's (KMGI) long-term issuer default rating (IDR) at 'B+', with a stable outlook.

The rating of KMGI, formerly The Rompetrol Group,is based on a bottom-up approach in line with Fitch's parent and subsidiary rating linkage methodology, the rating agency said in a statement.

Fitch also said in the statement:

"The rating reflects the company's standalone credit profile, assessed at 'CCC' due to the weak financial profile (end-2014: funds from operations (FFO) adjusted net leverage of 36x), and a three-notch uplift for parental support from JSC National Company KazMunayGas (NC KMG; BBB/Stable).


- Relatively Strong 2014 Results

- In 2014, KMGI generated positive annual Fitch-adjusted free cash flow (FCF) for the first time since 2002. Better market conditions in 2H14 and improved operational profile of the Petromidia refinery after its modernisation completed in 2012 resulted in the average net operating margin at the refinery increasing to USD3/bbl in 2014, up from USD1.5/bbl in 2013, and the good performance of retail and trading segments. Significant working capital cash inflows and a 51% capex reduction yoy further supported cash flows. A longer track record of improved financial performance could lead to an upgrade of KMGI's standalone rating, especially if the contingent liabilities associated with a dispute with the Romanian government are cleared.

- Share Buyback Delayed

- KMGI's repurchase of around 27% of Rompetrol Rafinare S.A.'s (RRC) shares from the government for USD200m did not take place in 2014, as the company previously expected. Fitch understands the transaction needs to be initiated by the government, which has not taken place yet. In KMGI's view, the repurchase is likely to be finalised in 2016. Fitch assumes that NC KMG will support KMGI in financing the share repurchase through a shareholder loan or a debt guarantee, further demonstrating parental assistance.

Parent Support

- Fitch assesses the strategic and legal ties between KMGI and NC KMG as moderate to strong, whilst operational ties are moderate, which supports the three-notch uplift to KMGI's standalone rating. The legal ties include a direct guarantee of KMGI's debt (USD200m) and a cross-default provision in the documentation for NC KMG's USD7.5bn Global Medium-Term Note Programme, which also relates to KMGI's debt. Historical financial support has taken the form of a USD1.1bn cash injection as a capital increase, and shareholder loans (USD0.9bn) converted into the 51-year hybrid loan.

Expansion of Retail Development Strategy

- KMGI is keen to improve its integrated distribution (retail and wholesale) network domestically, having completed the upgrade of its Petromidia refinery. KMGI will focus on the Romanian market, where it plans to open 96 new filling stations between 2014 and 2019. KMGI opened one new station in Romania in 2014 and plans to open 15 new stations in 2015. The company believes it is in a position to increase market share in Romania from its approximate 28% share (15% retail). In Fitch's opinion, KMGI will benefit from a greater share of the domestic market if the expansion programme is achieved with moderate capex requirements.

Favourable European Refining Environment

- European refining margins started to recover in July 2014 after Brent began its fall from USD112/bbl. In 1Q15 the north-west European refining margin averaged USD7.6/bbl, up from USD4.1/bbl in 1Q14 and from USD5.9/bbl in 4Q14. Healthy fuel demand in recent months exceeded market expectations and supported margins, but this was partly driven by temporary factors including opportunistic trading. Overcapacity and strong competition from refiners in oil producing countries may put pressure on European margins later this year.

Hybrid Loan Treated as Debt

- Fitch treats the 51-year hybrid loan from KazMunayGas PKOP Investment B.V. (outstanding balance at end-2014 of USD0.9bn) as debt because interest payments are not deferrable if the company returns to profitability and starts paying dividends. FFO adjusted net leverage excluding shareholder financing totalled 13.9x at FYE14 (15.6x in FYE13).


- Fitch's key assumptions within our rating case for the issuer include:

- - Annual EBITDA of approximately USD150m.

- - Improved leverage metrics on the back of higher cash flow generation.

- - Support for NC KMG for repurchase of RRC shares.


- Positive: Future developments that may, individually or collectively, lead to positive rating action include:

- -Improvement in KMGI's standalone financial profile away from the 'CCC' rating category.

- -Increased cash flow generation from an improving business profile.

- -A longer debt maturity profile.

Negative: Future developments that may, individually or collectively, lead to negative rating action include:

- - Reduced support from NC KMG.

- - Liquidity crisis related to cash flow difficulties.

- - Large debt-financed acquisitions at the KMGI level.

- - Large debt-financed capital expenditure at the KMGI level.


- At end-2014, KMGI's short-term debt was USD543m against an unrestricted cash balance of USD141m. Fitch assumes KMGI will be able to extend a significant portion of short-term credit lines with international and domestic relationship banks in 2015. The company's liquidity is supported by USD168m of committed undrawn credit facilities at end-2014.

In March 2015, KMGI has signed a USD360 credit facility, which will be used to refinance its existing loans. The facility includes a USD240m three-year committed revolving credit line and a one-year USD120m uncommitted overdraft. Fitch views the increase in the average tenor of KMGI's debt portfolio as positive for the company's financial profile."

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