Iran Can Join TANAP to Export Gas to Europe: Azerbaijan

Iran Can Join TANAP to Export Gas to Europe: Azerbaijan
Τετ, 5 Αυγούστου 2015 - 16:49
Azerbaijan invitesIran tojointheTrans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) to export its natural gas to Europe, Azerbaijan'sMinister of Economic Development,Shahin Mustafayev, said Tuesday, according to Azeri Trend News Agency

Azerbaijan invitesIran tojointheTrans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) to export its natural gas to Europe, Azerbaijan'sMinister of Economic Development,Shahin Mustafayev, said Tuesday, according to Azeri Trend News Agency.

Speaking after a meeting with Iran's Oil Minister, Bijan Zangenehin Tehran, Mustafayev also said "Iran can use Azerbaijan’s infrastructure, especially the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline to export its oil."

TANAP, which is part of the Southern Gas corridor, plans to carry 16 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz II field to Europe via Turkeywhen completed in 2018.

Turkey'sMinister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz said on April 10"Turkey would not close its door to Iran if it wants to join TANAP."

The BTC pipeline, which has a daily capacity of1.2 million barrels of crude,carries oil from Azerbaijan and other countries in the Caucasus, namely Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan,to Turkey's southern port in Ceyhan, where it is exportedvia shipping vesselsto international markets.

Mustafayevalso invited Iran to use its gas storage facilities, andoffered to cooperate in oil and gas engineeringand the joint production of oil and gas equipment.

However, instead of Europe, Iran may look towards the east and Asian markets to export its oil and gas.

Iran's Deputy Oil Minister forCommerce and International AffairsAmir-Hossein Zamaniniasaid on July 23 that Iran gas sales may head east,due to low gas prices and falling demand in Europe.

(Anadolu Agency)

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