European Steel Industry Hopes for Global Climate Change Agreement

European Steel Industry Hopes for Global Climate Change Agreement
New Europe
Τετ, 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015 - 16:36
The European Steel Association (EUROFER) is hopeful negotiators at the COP21 climate change conference in Paris will reach a comprehensive and global agreement

The European Steel Association (EUROFER) is hopeful negotiators at the COP21 climate change conference in Paris will reach a comprehensive and global agreement.

“EUROFER calls on policymakers to make sure that any Paris agreement not only mitigates, insofar as possible, the risk of carbon leakage but also incentivises investments in Europe. Energy-intensive industries exposed to fierce global competition, such as steel, should be able to compete in a fair way whilst on their way to decarbonisation”, said Axel Eggert, director general of EUROFER, in a press release on December 1.

The steel industry outlined a number of objectives that it wishes to see in any agreement.

First on the list is a legally binding framework with transparent and comparable emissions reduction commitments from major emitters leading to comparable reduction obligations for competing industries countries worldwide.

Second is the effective and equivalent international measurement, reporting and verification of obligations to all parties. Another is the use of market-based instruments (international credits) with a view to cost-effective mitigation action, as well as a binding dispute settlement regime and clear sanctioning rules.

“Presently, Europe is unilaterally imposing costs on its energy-intensive industries,” Eggert explained. “Without an international agreement, with comparable commitments and obligations from third countries, there is the risk that this unilateral policy could dissolve Europe’s industry in climate costs, whilst simultaneously failing in the EU’s aim to reduce global emissions.”

According to Eggert, the European steel industry is a supporter of action on climate change: indeed, a recent study demonstrated how the use of steel in eight advanced applications could mitigate 443 million tonnes of CO2 per year.