President Sisi's Visit to Greece Aims to the Promotion of Cooperation in Several Sectors

President Sisis Visit to Greece Aims to the Promotion of Cooperation in Several Sectors
Τρι, 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2015 - 13:39
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's official visit to Greece and the trilateral meeting of Greece-Cyprus and Egypt scheduled to be held on Wednesday are part of the three countries' broader strategy to strenghten the relations with countries-traditionally partners in the region
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's official visit to Greece and the trilateral meeting of Greece-Cyprus and Egypt scheduled to be held on Wednesday are part of the three countries' broader strategy to strenghten the relations with countries-traditionally partners in the region.  

According to government's sources, President el-Sisi's visit aims to promote the cooperation between Greece and Egypt in the economic, energy and port sector (especially after the opening of the new waterway of the Suez canal and the developments in the energy map of the region) as well as the cooperation in transport, construction and infrastructure. In this context President el-Sisi and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will welcome Greece and Egypt's business forum that will take place in the afternoon with the participation of a large number of enterpreneurs and institutional agencies from both countries.

Moreover, the same sources said that on the sidelines of the forum two agreements referring to the cooperation of the ports of Kavala and Alexandrouppolis with Egyptian ports will be signed.
Greece, Egypt and Cyprus tripartite meeting, said the same sources, will focus on the strengthening of the dialogue and the cooperation among the three countries in international organisations as well as in the sector of the economy, energy and safety with the view to promoting peace and stability in the region. Due to the tension and the conflicts that prevail in the region, the trilateral cooperation acquires an additional meaning for the three countries, which is the widening of the regional cooperation, the European Union and the Euromediterrenean Cooperations.

Before the trilateral meeting, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will meet with Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades. The talks will focus on the Cyprus issue, the cooperation in energy sector and the regional developments.
