Oil Below the $30 Mark and Plunging

Oil Below the $30 Mark and Plunging
Δευ, 18 Ιανουαρίου 2016 - 18:40
Brent crude plunged another 4%, breaking another record and reaching 12 lows on Friday. That is now a drop in excess a 20% within January and little over 70% over the last 18-months. The average price for a basket of OPEC crudes on Friday, January 15th stood at $25 per barrel

Brent crude plunged another 4%, breaking another record and reaching 12 lows on Friday. That is now a drop in excess a 20% within January and little over 70% over the last 18-months. The average price for a basket of OPEC crudes on Friday, January 15th stood at $25 per barrel.

The market braces for Iranian oil to reach the market, as sanctions are being lifted; the decision could be taken today, following a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Therefore, markets are likely to open on Monday with good news for Teheran and bad news for anyone else in the industry. The market is afraid that the Iranian supply will add to the supply glut, evident since mid-2014. Teheran is poised to target the Indian market, where OPEC expects most of the growth in demand will come the following decades.

The effect on the finances of oil producing nations heavily dependent on oil is yet to be assessed, including Saudi Arabia and Russia. Russia’s energy minister, Alexander Novak, said production price was in the $5-$15 per barrel. Saudi Arabia, with low production costs, is known to be engaged in an effort to regain market share pushing U.S shale, tar sands and deep water explorations out of the market.

Meanwhile, emerging market currencies linked to commodity-production are collapsing: Russia’s ruble sank 2%, Australia’s Dollar 1,7%, South Africa’s Rand 1,3%, Brazil’s Real and Mexico’s Peso just under 1%.

Investors are now turning towards safer assets, pushing up Gold by 0,5% and European government bonds with Germany’s 10-year bonds offering yields of 0,54%, Britain’s 0,45%, and Italy’s 1,51%. Whilst money is cheap, deflationary pressure looms in the Eurozone.
