Romania's U2 Nuclear Reactor Reconnected to Power Grid

Romanias U2 Nuclear Reactor Reconnected to Power Grid
Δευ, 24 Ιουλίου 2017 - 18:55
Romania's second nuclear reactor at the Cernavoda power plant on the river Danube was reconnected to the national power grid on Sunday after being offline since Saturday, its owner Nuclearelectrica said

Romania's second nuclear reactor at the Cernavoda power plant on the river Danube was reconnected to the national power grid on Sunday after being offline since Saturday, its owner Nuclearelectrica said.

It said in a statement the halt was triggered by a "software-related" matter.

Nuclearelectrica, which has two 706 megawatt reactors at Cernavoda, said the glitch and consequent works to fix the software had not implied any risk to the nuclear safety of the reactor.
