The head of the European Parliament’s information office in Athens, Leonidas Antonakopoulos, with two other officials, has been suspended as a result of an ongoing investigation by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

The deputy spokesman for the European Parliament, Marjory van den Broeke, told New Europe “During normal budget procedures by the European Parliament, itself, that some serious questions were raised about the legality of some financial transactions.”

The European Parliament followed up their findings with a decision to look into the matter. Because of this, it was legally obliged to turn to OLAF. “Everybody who has serious questions needs to go to OLAF to protect the financial interests of the European Union,” van den Broeke said, “this is what the European Parliament did after making its own preliminary inquiry to see if it was really necessary”.

The deputy spokeswoman of the European Parliament declined to go into further details as to when the alleged violations took place, saying it would not be prudent to do so as the investigation remains ongoing.