In Russia’s Voronezh region, State Atomiс Energy Corporation Rosatom said on February 19 that fuel loading began on schedule at the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant II, unit No. 2 equipped with the VVER-1200 reactor.

The launch of the VVER-1200, which is a generation III+ PWR-type reactor, will bring the share of nuclear in the Central Russia’s electricity grid to 27% thus preventing over 4 million tonnes of GHG emissions every year and boosting the region’s economy, according to Rosatom.

The initial fuel loading marks the beginning of the reactor start-up. The reactor will then achieve the first criticality – the moment when a chain reaction is launched in the reactor for the first time and the core parameters required for the reactor’s further operation are established, Rosatom said, adding that the next stages include connection to the grid, power ascension testing and the commencement of commercial operations.


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