While taking into consideration the EU’s current relations with Russia, the European Parliament on 12 March adopted a non-binding resolution by a 402 to 163 margin, with 89 abstentions, to oppose the Nord Stream-2 underwater natural gas pipeline that stretches from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea.

European parliamentarians have “reiterated their concerns that the Nord Stream-2 project could reinforce the EU‘s dependence on Russian gas supplies and threaten the EU’s internal market,” the resolution reads.

While the Parliament’s resolutions are only recommendatory, one paragraph in the declaration highlights the opposition to the project, which is being spearheaded by Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, as they are concerned that it would undermine the EU’s energy security.


Full article available: https://www.neweurope.eu/article/meps-oppose-nord-stream-2-in-european-parliament-resolution/