Energy transition truly represents a “remarkable opportunity” and Spain has an important role in boosting the European Union’s renewable energy potential, King Felipe VI of Spain told a WindEurope conference in Bilbao on 2 April.

“In our case, Spain may well have the greatest renewable energy potential in the EU. It has a geography of 50 million hectares…it has both Mediterranean and Atlantic winds, high levels of sunshine, large forests, and notable hydraulic resources. Lastly, a dense network of businesses and centres of technology, innovation, and knowledge,” Felipe said in his keynote speech at a packed auditorium of the WindEurope conference and exhibition in Bilbao.

Warning that the challenge of climate change is “very alarming,” he identified wind energy as a key part of the solution. “All of you here today represent part of the best response we can offer in the face of these existential challenges,” he said.


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