International carbon markets and carbon pricing will play a major role in the fight against climate change and help advance ambitious climate action, Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said, adding: “But we have to get them right.

Hosting the International Carbon Markets Conference in Brussels on 3 June aimed at laying the foundations for agreement on establishing effective and robust international carbon markets, Cañete highlighted the importance and urgency of climate action.

“Today our topic of choice is international carbon markets,” he said. “As many of you will be aware, these buildings are no strangers to debate on carbon markets. It is here that we have over the last nearly 20 years, been discussing, implementing, and improving our European carbon market – our flagship Emissions Trading System. I can tell you now – we do not need to be persuaded on the importance of carbon markets. If implemented well, they can deliver on the promise of enhanced ambition and integrity,” Cañete said.


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