STRASBOURG – Members of the European Parliament rejected on 12 February calls to veto the fourth list on projects of common interest (PCI), on the grounds that it contains fossil fuel infrastructure. Kadri Simson, who participated in her first plenary session as energy commissioner on 10 February, a late evening

joint debate on the 4th PCI list and Trans-European Networks – Energy (TEN-E) revision, noted that making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 requires moving towards cleaner energy infrastructure.

She said she is fully committed to review the TEN-E regulation still this year and work closely with the European Parliament to make the investments fit for EU’s future.

Simpson said she shares the European Parliament’s vision of a modern, clean, secure and smart EU energy infrastructure. In the Green Deal Resolution adopted in January, Parliament stressed the importance of modern, clean, secure and smart new energy infrastructure for delivering the European Green Deal. Simson told MEPs turning this vision into reality requires making the TEN-E Regulation adopted in 2013 fit for Europe’s future energy system and fully aligned with the European Green Deal.