he battle over the next EU budget by Europe’s leaders runs the risk of seriously undermining and destabilising the future of the European Union. If the EU has learnt anything from a decade of the worst crises in our post-war history, and is determined to reconnect with many citizens who have lost faith in the bloc, it needs the means.

Europe needs a people’s budget that improves citizens’ daily life, whilst being sufficient to withstand any future challenges.

During the financial crisis, local authorities payed the highest price from austerity and citizens suffered from reduced public services and support. The migration crisis showed the limits of European solidarity and many local communities were abandoned at a time when they needed Europe the most. This led to the radicalisation of Euroscepticism and the regrettable withdrawal of the second-largest country in the EU, in terms of both population and economy.

Europe must learn its lesson by coming together and now responding to the current institutional and democratic crisis which it faces today.
