DESFA Announced the Completion of the Connection With TAP and the Award of the Contract for the Construction of the LNG Truck Loading Facility

DESFA Announced the Completion of the Connection With TAP and the Award of the Contract for the Construction of the LNG Truck Loading Facility
Παρ, 19 Ιουνίου 2020 - 10:08

Mr. Nicola Battilana, CEO of DESFA, participated in this year’s Delphi Economic Forum, in the session titled “Pathways to Decarbonization” on Tuesday, 10th of June, outlining the role of gas infrastructure in the mid-term and up to 2030 and the role of Greece towards the energy transition. Mr. Battilana pointed out, that in the mid-term and up to 2030 and beyond,


natural gas is expected to become the only fossil fuel in many sectors of the economy and that will ultimately support the energy transition in a cost efficient and socially viable way. He mentioned, also, that the role of gas infrastructure will need to be further expanded, to cover areas that are currently fully depended on lignite or other fuels, in order to be ready to transfer biomethane and - following the technological and policy interventions – hydrogen.

He also referred to DESFA’s new Ten Year Development Plan and the new projects, by stating that the target is to be hydrogen ready and, to new pilot projects, for the implementation of which the company can be supported on the experience of its private European shareholders, Enagas, Fluxys and Snam. In this context, Mr. Battilana announced the completion of the connection project with TAP this year and that the company has awarded the contract for the construction of the LNG truck loading facility in Revithoussa, which is foreseen to be completed by the end of 2021.

The CEO of DESFA, also addressed to the pivotal role of Greece in the current energy transition and underlined that: “The Greek energy system must go through a structural transformation to achieve the 2030 and 2050 targets. For that to be achieved, policies need to be successfully implemented and be seen as a necessity to pave the way to such transformation. Policies will drive the withdrawal of solid fuels and strengthen all further development of energy infrastructure with increased interconnectivity, the greater involvement of energy storage systems for sector coupling and the demand side response together with the digital management that needs to be in place’’.

He concluded by referring to the need of continuous monitoring of the technological development and adoption of targeted policies and measures that can support the achievement of specific intermediate targets like the usage of new energy technologies and the availability of decarbonized fuels on competitive market terms.

The online panel discussion consisted of Andreas Shiamishis, CEO, Hellenic Petroleum, Konstantinos D. Xifaras, CEO, Public Gas Corporation, Kostis Sifnaios, Group Energy Director, Copelouzos Group and Aristotelis Chantavas, Head of Europe, Enel Green Power.

DESFA announced the completion of the connection project with TAP and the award of the contract for the construction of the LNG truck loading facility

Participation of Mr. Nicola Battilana, CEO of DESFA, at the 5th Delphi Economic Forum

Athens, 18 June 2020. Mr. Nicola Battilana, CEO of DESFA, participated in this year’s Delphi Economic Forum, in the session titled “Pathways to Decarbonization” on Tuesday, 10th of June, outlining the role of gas infrastructure in the mid-term and up to 2030 and the role of Greece towards the energy transition.

Mr. Battilana pointed out, that in the mid-term and up to 2030 and beyond, natural gas is expected to become the only fossil fuel in many sectors of the economy and that will ultimately support the energy transition in a cost efficient and socially viable way. He mentioned, also, that the role of gas infrastructure will need to be further expanded, to cover areas that are currently fully depended on lignite or other fuels, in order to be ready to transfer biomethane and - following the technological and policy interventions – hydrogen.

He also referred to DESFA’s new Ten Year Development Plan and the new projects, by stating that the target is to be hydrogen ready and, to new pilot projects, for the implementation of which the company can be supported on the experience of its private European shareholders, Enagas, Fluxys and Snam. In this context, Mr. Battilana announced the completion of the connection project with TAP this year and that the company has awarded the contract for the construction of the LNG truck loading facility in Revithoussa, which is foreseen to be completed by the end of 2021.

The CEO of DESFA, also addressed to the pivotal role of Greece in the current energy transition and underlined that: “The Greek energy system must go through a structural transformation to achieve the 2030 and 2050 targets. For that to be achieved, policies need to be successfully implemented and be seen as a necessity to pave the way to such transformation. Policies will drive the withdrawal of solid fuels and strengthen all further development of energy infrastructure with increased interconnectivity, the greater involvement of energy storage systems for sector coupling and the demand side response together with the digital management that needs to be in place’’.

He concluded by referring to the need of continuous monitoring of the technological development and adoption of targeted policies and measures that can support the achievement of specific intermediate targets like the usage of new energy technologies and the availability of decarbonized fuels on competitive market terms.

The online panel discussion consisted of Andreas Shiamishis, CEO, Hellenic Petroleum, Konstantinos D. Xifaras, CEO, Public Gas Corporation, Kostis Sifnaios, Group Energy Director, Copelouzos Group and Aristotelis Chantavas, Head of Europe, Enel Green Power.