Russian GOV to Privatize GasTransportation Company

ΜOSCOW (Dow Jones)--Russian government plans to privatize the liquified gas transportation company SG-Trans, valued at 14.81 billion rubles ($600 million), the newspaper Vedomosti reported Thursday.
Πεμ, 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 - 08:40
The newspaper said the valuation comes from the Federal Agency for Property Management, or Rosimushchestvo, which is handling the technical aspect of the privatization.

The details and conditions of the privatization should be decided by the end of the year, the newspaper reported citing documents from Rosimushchestvo.

The newspaper also said that the company was slated for privatization already in 2006, but that it was postponed due to legal and logistics reasons. The company transports four million of liquified gas a year, or 40% of all Russian transport