The deplorable economics of Turkey have led the country into a path of catastrophe, which under ordinary conditions cannot be reversed. The economic situation is much worse than what the government claims and there are no credible official statistics as to unemployment and family incomes. The government keeps such figures secret, and this is enough to indicate that the situation in Turkey is really bad.

 The problem is that besides the state, which is already bankrupt, ordinary, middle class families are driven to bankruptcy. Indeed, families that constituted the then rising middle class of Turkey as a result of the late President Turgut Ozal policies, are now starving and they are liquidating the jewels of the house to purchase food. However, for how long?

Over a year now, the economic and social situation in Turkey is deteriorating, and ordinary Turkish  middle-class families all over the territory, begun massive sales of family jewellery – the traditional way of savings in the Muslim world. There is an old Muslim custom, which has become tradition and ordinary Turks follow: to invest family savings in gold.