Εnel Αmong the 50 Μost Sustainable Companies Worldwide in 2020 “Seal” Business Sustainability Awards

Εnel Αmong the 50 Μost Sustainable Companies Worldwide in 2020 “Seal” Business Sustainability Awards
Τρι, 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2021 - 03:21

Enel was among the winners of the 2020 SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement & Leadership) Business Sustainability Awards, which celebrate the leadership, transparency and commitment to sustainable business practices of global brands. Specifically, Enel was featured in the 2020 SEAL Organizational Impact Award category, which recognizes the overall corporate sustainability performance and represents the 50 most sustainable companies globally. 

The 2020 SEAL Organizational Impact Award combines two world-class Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data sets - the CDP A-List™ and the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA, now part of S&P Global ESG Scores™)[1]. Winners were selected by combining and ranking the aggregated results of the two sustainability assessments.  

In particular, Enel’s recognition in the SEAL Organizational Impact Award was made possible by reaching the highest score (A/A) in the last CDP edition for the second consecutive year, and its highest ever score (89/100) in the CSA. Both ratings acknowledged Enel’s leadership in tackling climate change and fostering decarbonization of the global economy, promoting open innovation and responsible business management practices across its entire value chain. 

SEAL Awards is an environmental advocacy organization that honors leadership through its awards, while funding research and pursuing environmental impact campaigns. The core pillars of the SEAL Awards are the Business Sustainability Awards, which recognize the world’s most sustainable companies, the Environmental Journalism Awards, and Environmental Research Grants.

As further proof of Enel’s commitment to ESG issues, the Group ranked first out of 150 Italian companies, receiving a total score of 95.55 in the January 2021 edition of the Reputation Science’s EGS Perception Index. The index evaluates companies’ sustainability perception on the web, allotting a score of 0 to 100, based on brand proximity to ESG topics.

Enel’s sustainability leadership is globally acknowledged through the Group’s presence in several other renowned sustainability indices as well as rankings, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World and Europe, MSCI ESG Leaders Indices, the FTSE4Good Index series, the CDP Climate “A” List, the Euronext Vigeo-Eiris 120 indices, the STOXX Global ESG Leaders index, the ISS “Prime” rating, the Refinitiv TOP 100 Diversity and Inclusion Index, the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, the Equileap Gender Equality in Europe Ranking, the ECPI indices and the Thomson Reuters/S-Network ESG Best Practices Indices. 

The Group is increasingly attracting the attention of Socially Responsible Investors, whose stake in the company is steadily growing, representing now about 13.4% of Enel’s share capital, more than double compared to 2014 levels. This increase, which is in line with the growing recognition of the importance of non-financial elements in the creation of long-term sustainable value, reflects the bolstering of Enel’s global sustainability leadership.

Enel’s long track record of inclusion in the world’s leading sustainability rankings is supported by its commitment to be at the forefront of the major energy challenges facing society, such as sustainable urbanization. A specific example of how Enel is promoting sustainable urbanization by delivering concrete business solutions is shown in the third edition of the “Circular Cities – Cities of tomorrow” position paper available here: https://www.enel.com/company/stories/articles/2020/12/circular-cities-models

Furthermore, Enel is embedding its sustainability vision across the over 30 countries in which it operates, integrating the expectations of local stakeholders and promoting social and economic development while, at the same time, accelerating the energy transition towards a fully renewable energy model. A concrete example of how Enel Green Power is promoting the development of local communities in Panama while contributing to decarbonize the country’s energy mix can be found here: https://www.enelgreenpower.com/stories/articles/2021/01/fortuna-sustainable-hydroelectric-plant