Serbia: Natural Gas Price Up 9% As of August 1

Serbia: Natural Gas Price Up 9% As of August 1
Σαβ, 9 Ιουλίου 2022 - 16:12

The price of natural gas in Serbia is set to increase by 9% starting on August 1, Srbijgas, the company distributing gas in the Balkan country, announced on Thursday. In a statement posted on its website, the company said that as of August 1 the price will be updated to 28,94 dinars per cubic meter

The price hike, observed Srbijagas, was approved by the National energy agency.

Serbia, which has close relations of friendship and alliance with Russia and thanks to good personal relations between President Aleksandar Vucic and Vladimir Putin, recently renewed an agreement for the continuation of Russian gas provisions at a good price, much lower than prices on international markets. One of the main reasons, together with the backing on the Kosovo dossier, for which Belgrade has refused to adhere to western sanctions against Russia for its armed intervention in Ukraine, invoking its national interests.

(, 07 July, 2022)