Gaz de France (1020848.FR), which is to merge with French peer Suez (SZE.FR), has been summoned to court by the secretary of its work council in an attempt to prevent the May 26 meeting of the council from taking place, a company spokesman said Wednesday.
Gaz de France (1020848.FR), which is to merge with French peer Suez (SZE.FR), has been summoned to court by the secretary of its work council in an attempt to prevent the May 26 meeting of the council from taking place, a company spokesman said Wednesday.

French rules require the works council to give its opinion, be it positive or negative, before a merger with Suez can take place. The works council view is a non-binding but necessary step.

The spokesman added that the secretary, who is a member of the CGT union, is acting alone.

Unions, including the CGT, opposed GdF's privatization, which cleared the way for a merger with French utility Suez (SZE.FR). The uions have also cited concerns over job security in the future company.