The Central Asian state of Turkmrnistan formally endorsed political pluralism and market economics for the first time Friday by approving a new constitution.
The Central Asian state of Turkmrnistan formally endorsed political pluralism and market economics for the first time Friday by approving a new constitution.

Tribal elders and local government officials at a meeting of the People's Council in the capital Ashgabat raised their hands to give unanimous approval to the new constitution, proposed by President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov.

The reform marks a dramatic change for this long isolated and highly authoritarian former Soviet republic that has signaled it wants to open up to the West to encourage investment in its huge untapped gas reserves.

Turkmenistan is strategically located on the Caspian Sea between Iran and Afghanistan and is seen by Western officials and multinational corporations as a potential key energy source that could reduce dependency on Russian reserves.

"The new constitution corresponds to all international and democratic norms. By adopting it, we will show our country's authority at an international level," Berdymukhamedov told the People's Council ahead of the vote.

He also said the old constitution was "outdated" and did not fit with Turkmenistan's "progress," a hint at the tentative reforms he has brought about since coming to power after long-time dictator Saparmurat Niyazov in 2006.

The new constitution allows for the formation of multiple political parties in a country that currently only has one party. The Democratic Party headed by Berdymukhamedov is in practice the successor to the Soviet-era Communist Party.

Also Friday, the Turkmen president said parliamentary elections would be held before the end of the year. The last elections were held in December 2004 and were won by the Democratic Party with 100% of the vote.

The 2,500-member People's Council created by Berdymukhamedov's predecessor Niyazov to reduce parliament's authority will now become a purely consultative body and the country's parliament will be enlarged from 65 to 125 seats.

The constitution also enshrines market economy principles for the first time in this largely Soviet-era command economy, confirming the "right to private property" and support for the development of small businesses.

"Turkmenistan is developing its economy and is striving towards a market economy based on private, state and other forms of ownership. The state encourages and supports entrepreneurship," the new constitution said.