France's energy regulator Thursday said a rise in state-controlled natural gas tariffs proposed by utility GDF Suez SA (GSZ.FR) complies with an official formula used to calculate the company's costs of supply
France's energy regulator Thursday said a rise in state-controlled natural gas tariffs proposed by utility GDF Suez SA (GSZ.FR) complies with an official formula used to calculate the company's costs of supply.

GDF Suez buys in much of its gas from companies, including Russia's OAO Gazprom (GZP.RS). Most natural gas is sold at prices linked to crude oil, which has risen of late.

GDF Suez' proposed increase "would translate into an average rise of 4.7%" for the 6.3 million clients who use gas for heating at the B1 tariff, said the energy regulator, or CRE.