Enel Green Power, the renewables unit of the Italian utility Enel SpA (ENEL.MI), signed Monday a binding agreement with Sharp (6753.TO) and STMicroelectronics (STM.MI) to produce photovoltaic panels in Sicily. Enel Green Power, Sharp and STMicroelectronics committed to implement a EUR150 million project financing agreement, following EUR49 million funding set aside last week by the Italian Joint Ministerial Committee for Economic Planning, or CIPE, the three companies said in a statement Monday
Enel Green Power, the renewables unit of the Italian utility Enel SpA (ENEL.MI), signed Monday a binding agreement with Sharp (6753.TO) and STMicroelectronics (STM.MI) to produce photovoltaic panels in Sicily.

Enel Green Power, Sharp and STMicroelectronics committed to implement a EUR150 million project financing agreement, following EUR49 million funding set aside last week by the Italian Joint Ministerial Committee for Economic Planning, or CIPE, the three companies said in a statement Monday. The three partners' equal share joint venture 3Sun will produce photovoltaic panels and cells for an initial capacity of 160 megawatts a year at a factory in Catania, Sicily.

The factory, which will be Italy's largest photovoltaic panel manufacturer, will start production in the second half of 2011 and is expected to reach a yearly output of 480 MW over the coming years.