Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA.LN), an oil and gas company announced Friday that it has agreed to sell its interest in six Gulf of Mexico oil and gas fields to W & T Energy VI, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of W&T Offshore Inc. (WTI), for $450 million, with an effective date of September 1, 2010, as part of an ongoing portfolio restructuring and focus on capital efficiency.


-This is part of the company plan to divest $7-8 billion in assets worldwide in 2010 and 2011.

-The divested fields are Tahoe,
Southeast Tahoe , Droshky, Marlin and Dorado, and a Gulf of Mexico producing shelf property, and are predominately mature gas fields.

-These fields produce some 18,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day or boe /d, and have proved reserves of some 27 million barrels of oil equivalent (net to Shell's interest).

-A definitive agreement has been signed for all fields except for one of the fields, a
Gulf of Mexico producing shelf property and associated assets, which is the subject of a Letter of Intent and is currently anticipated to close before year-end.

-Shell continues to make significant investments in the deep water
Gulf of Mexico , where the company currently produces some 230,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

-Perdido, the most recent addition to the Shell Deep Water portfolio, began production earlier this year.

-Shell recently took the final investment decision on the 100,000 boe/d Mars B deepwater development (Shell 71.5%).

-Shell has also recently announced the potential for two new 100,000 boe /d deep water production hubs at the
Appomattox (Shell 80%) and Vito fields (Shell 55%); following successful exploration and appraisal work on those prospects.

-Shares closed Thursday at 2089.50 pence