Russia and China are leaning on the International Atomic Energy Agency to soften or not issue a report expected in two weeks detailing Iran's suspected efforts to develop nuclear weapons, diplomats said Tuesday. "It does seem like the Russians and Chinese are pressuring the IAEA to refrain from reporting on the possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program," one Western diplomat said
Russia and China are leaning on the International Atomic Energy Agency to soften or not issue a report expected in two weeks detailing Iran's suspected efforts to develop nuclear weapons, diplomats said Tuesday.

"It does seem like the Russians and Chinese are pressuring the IAEA to refrain from reporting on the possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program," one Western diplomat said.

However, another Western envoy to the United Nations body said they expected the IAEA's head, Yukiya Amano, to resist such pressure publish the report the week before a Nov, 17-18 meeting of the 35-member IAEA board.

What Amano says in the report "is not going to be reflection on who has bent his ear in one direction or the other," the diplomat said on condition of anonymity, saying the document would be a "major number."

Previous agency reports have concentrated on Iran's efforts to enrich uranium, giving it the fissile material needed to produce electricity or medical isotopes, or, if purified further, for nuclear weapons.

But the new one is expected to address what the IAEA calls the "possible military dimension," meaning Iran's exploration of how to put the fissile material in a warhead and developing ballistic missiles.

Amano said in a September report he was "increasingly concerned" about such activities, saying its information was "extensive and comprehensive and has been acquired both from many [IAEA] member states and through its own efforts."

Iran, which has been hit by four rounds of U.N. Security Council resolutions, says its nuclear activities are peaceful and in the past has called such information fabricated.