The European Union's top court backed the inclusion of the airline industry in the bloc's carbon-trading market, in a decision likely to escalate a diplomatic row between the EU and its biggest trading partners. The ruling on Wednesday, which was widely expected, comes as the U.S. and others intensify pressure on the EU to delay the planned expansion of its emissions-trading plan to include airlines on Jan. 1, or scrap it for a new international deal
The European Union's top court backed the inclusion of the airline industry in the bloc's carbon-trading market, in a decision likely to escalate a diplomatic row between the EU and its biggest trading partners.

The ruling on Wednesday, which was widely expected, comes as the U.S. and others intensify pressure on the EU to delay the planned expansion of its emissions-trading plan to include airlines on Jan. 1, or scrap it for a new international deal.

The U.S., China and others have threatened action if their airlines are forced to buy permits to account for their emissions of carbon dioxide, a move that trade groups say could cost 20 billion euros ($26 billion) by the end of the decade. The European Commission, the executive body of the EU, has estimated that the plan could increase the cost of a single trip ticket by between 2 euros and 12 euros, depending on the length of the flight.

"The directive including aviation activities in the EU's emissions-trading scheme is valid," according to a statement issued by the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice shortly after its ruling. The court, whose ruling can't be appealed, was expected after a court advocate-general's opinion supported it earlier this year.

A new EU law includes airlines in the bloc's carbon-dioxide Emissions Trading System, beginning Jan. 1, when all airlines will have to hold permits to cover CO2 emitted by aircraft landing and taking off from EU airports.

The U.S. said 41 countries have registered objections to the ETS as a unilateral action in breach of international law. Lawmakers are pushing bills that would ban U.S. airlines from complying.