Enel Green Power SpA (EGPW.MI), one of the world's biggest renewable energy companies, said Friday that its preliminary Ebitda for 2011 jumped 23% on the year on higher revenue and growth of power generating assets.

Enel Green Power said in a statement that earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization climbed to EUR1.6 billion from EUR1.3 billion in 2010, while revenue advanced 8.7% at EUR2.5 billion over the same period.

Ebitda rose 7.7% to EUR1.4 billion if extraordinary income is excluded, it added.

Net debt at the end of last year was EUR4.1 billion, up from the EUR3.97 billion on Sept. 30.

The Rome-based company, which is controlled by utility Enel SpA (ENEL.MI), will present its full-year 2011 results and dividend proposal in March.

At 1518 GMT, shares fell 0.2% at EUR1.54, slightly better than
Italy 's benchmark FTSE Mib's 0.6% drop.