The Japanese government wants biomass resources to account for roughly 5% of all power consumed by households throughout Japan by 2020, from approximately 0.3% at present, he Nikkei reported in its Thursday evening edition.

The target will probably be included in the government's renewable energy business plan, scheduled for completion by the end of this month.

Tokyo hopes to turn biomass power into a third renewable energy resource, along with solar and wind technologies, in response to growing public opposition to nuclear power in the wake of last year's accident at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (9501.TO) Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

Its business plan will include a range of proposals, including adding wooden chips to coal burnt at thermal power plants and using food waste and manure to generate thermal energy via the methane fermentation process.

If the government decides to eliminate nuclear power in
Japan by 2030, renewable energy resources such as biomass, solar and hydroelectric technologies will need to account for a combined 35% of the nation's total energy mix, up from about 10% in 2010.

Roughly two months ago, the government's Energy and Environment Council, chaired by National Strategy Minister Motohisa Furukawa, presented possible ways to eliminate nuclear power use, or reduce its share of the nation's overall energy mix to either 15% or within a range of 20-25%.

The government also plans to introduce Japanese biomass technologies in Asian markets such as
Thailand and Vietnam , as part of its official development assistance initiatives.