French power company Electricite de France SA (EDF.FR) Thursday said the ruling of the country's highest administrative court, the Conseil D'Etat, on electricity prices won't have any impact on the company's earnings as it doesn't imply they will be any refund to the company's millions of customers in the country.

The company said in a statement Thursday it will have new information available in June 2013 that will specify the details on the implementation of the court ruling.

Wednesday, the court ordered the cancellation of the tariffs charged by ERDF, the unit of EDF that runs the electricity grid in
France , between 2009 and 2013, rejecting the calculations setting up ERDF's tariffs.

Electricity prices are regulated in
France . The commission in charge of setting prices said Thursday that it is too early to say how the court decision will affect prices.

It said it will study the matter in the coming weeks.

EDF earlier Thursday denied a French newspaper report that said the company would have to pay back customers 8.8 billion euros ($11.7 billion). The report sent the EDF share price falling 2.7% to EUR13.89, a new all-time low.