Polish gas firm PGNiG SA will restart arbitration proceedings against Russia's OAO Gazprom if it isn't included in the group of European companies that are supposed to get lower prices of Russian natural gas, said Poland's Treasury Minister Mikolaj Budzanowski
Polish gas firm PGNiG SA will restart arbitration proceedings against Russia's OAO Gazprom if it isn't included in the group of European companies that are supposed to get lower prices of Russian natural gas, said Poland's Treasury Minister Mikolaj Budzanowski.

"If we don't immediately get the discount, we'll intervene and again file an arbitration law suit," Mr. Budzanowski told reporters Thursday. "But I don't think it will come to this. Since 2004, we've been in the European Union and since forever in Europe."

Reuters reported Wednesday that, pressured by customers, Gazprom was likely to cut long-term contract prices to Europe next year. Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, in an article Thursday, interpreted this as a cut intended for countries in the west of Europe, not the bloc's post-communist east.

Gazprom in November bowed to pressure from PGNiG to cut the price of its natural-gas deliveries by more than 15% after the Polish company launched arbitration proceedings in Stockholm. Unable to import significant volumes of gas from elsewhere, Poland had complained about paying what it saw as excessive prices for Russian gas. Gazprom supplies Poland with about two thirds of the gas the country uses.