French utility Electricite de France SA (EDF.FR) will price $3 billion dollar hybrid bond with a yield of 5.375%, a bank working on the deal said Thursday. The bond is perpetual and the company has the choice to repay it after ten years. The dollar hybrid bond comes after the completion earlier Thrsday of a similar three-part deal
French utility Electricite de France SA (EDF.FR) will price $3 billion dollar hybrid bond with a yield of 5.375%, a bank working on the deal said Thursday.

The bond is perpetual and the company has the choice to repay it after ten years.

The dollar hybrid bond comes after the completion earlier Thrsday of a similar three-part deal.

Hybrid corporate bonds combine aspects of both debt and equity. They strengthen a company's balance sheet and can be used to support its credit rating. However, presented with higher risks than more typical corporate bonds, investors are rewarded with a better return.

HSBC, Citigroup and BNP Paribas are lead managers on the deal. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and Nomura are bookrunners.

EDF on Tuesday sold hybrid bonds--subordinated and senior to only ordinary shares--in sterling and euros equivalent to 4 billion euros ($5.3 billion).

EDF is rated Aa3 by Moody's Investors Service, and A+ by Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings.