The European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme should be the world's biggest and best legislative action against climate change. Instead it is a broken, dying scheme that has the confidence of neither the affected companies nor environmental campaigners.

The ETS should cap the overall amount of carbon dioxide emissions by selling only a limited number of permits to emit. Companies would therefore be encouraged to invest in long-term technologies to permanently cut their emissions, rather than buying permits to emit more.

Simple, no? But that only works with high prices and since the economic downturn of 2008 cut
Europe 's emissions and undermined the need for extra cuts to meet the cap, demand for permits tumbled, as did prices. Permits have fallen from a high of EUR30 a metric ton to under EUR5 now.

With considered opinion seeing EUR15 as a minimum price for the scheme to work, the cost of CO2 is no longer a factor in investment and is virtually useless.

So we face a rare situation, where business and European legislators are singing from the same song book. The European Commission has proposed delaying the auctioning of new permits, scheduled for 2013-2020. This will mean fewer allowances will be put on the market to 2015, reducing oversupply.

More than 30 leading companies from across
Europe have called on EU policy makers to back these moves, Platts reports. Their open letter can be found on Shell's website. It is signed by, among others, E.On, Unilever, Vestas, Areva, Alstom and Statoil.

Of course, that such businesses are in lockstep with the politicians isn't purely for altruistic reasons. If the EU ETS is truly broken, the alternative may be a much-less palatable carbon tax.

The Financial Times says that, as with many things European, the German position will be crucial. The Guardian notes that 10 German companies are EUR1.2 billion better off thanks to the scheme.


Readers of the previous Energy Journal may have been given the impression that
Russia 's Gazprom is a busted flush, facing a shrinking market and surpassed in the Kremlin's affections by the upstart Rosneft.

If it is on the wane, then Gazprom won't go quietly. Particularly not when it comes to dealing with
Ukraine , its old nemesis. The Financial Times says Gazprom has rejected an appeal by Kiev to renegotiate its gas-supply contract, insisting Ukraine must pay $7 billion for unused gas.

"The principle of take or pay," according to Gazprom deputy chief Alexander Medvedev, "is that if you don't want to take it, you still have to pay for it."

For all the saber-rattling, this does come at a difficult time for Gazprom. As The Wall Street Journal reports, European competitors such as Norway's Statoil are offering Gazprom's traditional European customers more flexible contracts -- not necessarily 'take or pay' -- and aren't linking gas prices to the cost of oil.

Plus European countries are hoping to soon have their own gas reserves.
Ukraine , desperate to free itself from Russia 's influence, has signed a huge deal with Shell, according to the Journal. Reuters says Chevron is moving toward shale exploration in Romania , and France 's Total is considering investing in the development of shale in the U.K. , Platts says, and wants to explore in its home country, according to the Journal's @Geraldine Amiel.

Norway 's chief central banker has warned that the country should reduce its dependency on energy. It's a cautionary tale of wage inflation and household debt, told by the Journal's @Kjetil Malkenes Hovland.


Much excitement about a PwC report which says global shale-oil production has the potential to reach 14 million barrels a day by 2035, and that this could reduce oil prices by between 25% and 40% by the same date.

PwC says the projected scenario will reduce the influence of OPEC. The Journal's @Sarah Kent, however, says political, economic, logistical and geological stumbling blocks are on OPEC's side.

And Carbon Brief wonders whether this hasn't all been heard before with the shale gas boom. Predictions that shale gas would be exploited worldwide in the same way as in the
U.S. haven't materialized, and U.S. shale gas is yet to bring the global cost of gas down.


Crude futures lost ground Friday as the dollar strengthened to the euro, making oil a less attractive buy for holders of currencies other than the greenback.
The Journal's market report is here.