Prices for greenhouse gas emissions in Europe look set to remain weak through next week as a committee of the European Parliament Tuesday postponed a decision on how to move forward on a plan to boost carbon prices, according to traders. 
The committee will reconvene next week to decide whether to send the proposal to the Council of Ministers, which would speed up the process by getting to direct negotiations between countries, or to put it to the European Parliament, which could drag out the process in multiple readings, they add. "The later they do it, the worse it is," a trader says, adding that implementation will be more difficult in the second half of the year, as most of this year's allowances will already have been sold. 
The price of EU CO2 allowances dropped 16% to EUR4.10 per ton after the decision to delay, from EUR4.90 earlier this morning. The emissions price has somewhat recovered and at 0927 GMT was between EUR4.58 and EUR4.61 per ton.