Flow at Damaged Iraq Fuel Oil Pipeline Resumes

Flow through a pipeline carrying fuel from Iraq's largest refinery resumed Thursday following repairs to damage caused by recent attacks, an Iraqi oil ministry spokesman said. /photos/oil 15.jpg The 16-inch pipeline was attacked and damaged three times this month, the most recent of which was on Tuesday by unknown gunners, Assem Jihad told Dow Jones Newswires
Πεμ, 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 - 18:31
Flow through a pipeline carrying fuel from Iraq's largest refinery resumed Thursday following repairs to damage caused by recent attacks, an Iraqi oil ministry spokesman said.

The 16-inch pipeline was attacked and damaged three times this month, the most recent of which was on Tuesday by unknown gunners, Assem Jihad told Dow Jones Newswires.

The pipeline carries oil from the refinery in Baiji to Mosul in northern Iraq. The attacks forced the country to ship fuel by road through the northern Ninava province and led to shortage of fuel in the governorate.

Mosul and several other Sunni governorates have seen intense protests against Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, reflecting the fears of many Sunnis that they will be marginalized by Mr. Maliki's Shiite-led government. The protesters have called for an end to the random arrests of Sunnis and the freeing of prisoners whom they believe have been arrested without any clear charges.