The Council has today adopted a regulation aiming to reducing CO2 emissions from vans with a view to reaching the 2020 emissions target.

Under the new rules, as of 2020, a target of 147 g CO2/km is set for the average emissions of new light commercial vehicles (vans) registered in the EU. The regulation will apply to manufacturers producing more than 1000 new vans registered in the EU in the previous calendar year.

The implementation of the new rules will take place gradually. At first, an average target of 175 g CO2/km will be phased in between 2014 and 2017. In 2014 an average of 70% of each manufacturer's newly registered vans must comply with the limit value curve set by the legislation. This proportion will rise to 75% in 2015, 80% in 2016, and 100% from 2017 onwards. The 2020 target will be 147 g CO2/km.

The Commission will review the regulation by the end of 2015 in order to establish the CO2 emissions targets for these vehicles for the period beyond 2020.

Reducing fuel consumption and costs

These new technologies are expected to reduce the specific emissions target of a manufacturer up to 7 g CO2/km. In addition, reducing CO2 emissions from light commercial vehicles will also contribute to reducing fuel consumption and related costs.

The Commission will review the regulation by the end of 2015 in order to establish the CO2 emissions targets for these vehicles for the period beyond 2020.