The first quarter of 2014 saw 41.7 percent more electricity produced by wind power plants year on year in Lithuania, reported by the country's ELTA news agency on Sunday.

Lithuania's wind power plants produced 217.5 GWH of electricity in the first quarter of 2014, and 153.5 GWH in that of last year, ELTA said.

Saulius Piksrys, head of the Lithuanian Wind Power Association (LVEA), said that strong winds prevailing this year, expanded wind farms and improved technologies were among the reasons to increase the production, said the report.

LVEA's figures showed that the average efficiency rate of Lithuania's wind farms was 27.1 percent in 2013, and the newest wind farms beefed up that to 34 percent this year. It's believed that wind farms built in 2014 to 2016 will make it higher than 40 percent, according to ELTA.

ELTA said that Lithuania's wind electricity production increased by 11.6 percent in 2013 than 2012, as the highest in the Baltic region.

Lithuania, a country heavily relying on Russia's gas and electricity, is seeking energy independence these days. The power link NordBalt between Lithuania and Sweden would help secure Lithuania's energy independence. The country will also have a ship carrying liquefied natural gas by the end of this year.