If reverse flow capacity was non-existent and no incoming gas came from Ukraine, Slovakia would still be able to last without difficulties until October solely on reserves, Prime Minister Robert Fico said during Question Time in Parliament on Thursday.

"There was a mild winter, a fact that allowed us not to drain the reservoirs fully. And they're being pressurized with new gas even as we speak," claimed Fico, adding that reserve gas flow is perfectly secured as well.

"In the case of a complete stoppage of east-west gas flow, we're capable to secure such gas inflow to Slovakia through two nodes on our western borders, Czech Republic and Austria, that exceeds our domestic consumption multiple times," stressed Fico, explaining that Slovak consumption is in the neighborhood of 5.5 billion euros (7.45 billion U.S. dollars) and 6 billion euros a year at current prices in peak times.

Fico claimed that he doesn't want to comment on current talks between Ukraine and Russia about gas prices. "It's pathetic and comical to have the same Ukrainian Government minister who signed an unfavorable deal complain today and refuse to pay for what he signed a couple of years back. But that's their internal problem," he added.

The recent round of talks between Moscow and Kiev held on Wednesday in Brussels ended with no result, as the parties involved failed to arrive at an agreement on gas price and thus resolve the dispute that threatens gas: flow to Europe.

Russia proposed to Ukraine a provision of export duty exemption that would make the gas price drop by 73.82 euros from the current 358 euros per 1,000 cubic meters. Kiev rejected this proposal and demands market gas prices. The current contract between the two countries dates back from 2009.

Crisis was temporarily averted at the beginning of this month when Gazprom gave Ukraine until June 16 to pay for all of June's gas supplies in advance. The original deadline was June 1.
